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Find out when you should get your next eye check.

Most vision impairment & blindness can be prevented by having regular and timely comprehensive eye check ups.

planoAdvisor is here to help save your sight & empower your lives.

What is your current age (in years)?

What is your gender?

When was the last time you had your eyes checked by an eye health professional (for example an optometrist)?

What is your current country of residence?

Which one of the following categories best describes the industry you primarily work in?

Have you experienced one or more of the following symptoms in the past 1 year? (You may select more than one symptom)

Please enter your email address to see your results.

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Your results

We recommend:

An online platform that allows you to book an eye check appointment in a fast, secure, and reliable way.

Find an optometry store

Recommended reading:

Based on your results, here are some
articles that you may find relevant.


Tools Designed for Healthier Eyes

Explore our specifically designed products and services backed by eye health professionals to help keep your children safe online and their eyes healthy.